堀口 徹 / Toru Horiguchi
1976 初代秀石の孫として東京に生まれる
1999 二代目秀石(須田富雄 江東区無形文化財)に江戸切子を師事
2008 三代秀石を継承、独立し堀口切子を創業
2012 日本の伝統工芸士(江戸切子)認定
オルビスグループCSR賞 社長賞、江戸切子新作展2年連続で最優秀賞等受賞歴多数。江戸切子協同組合 理事・日本ガラス工芸学会 会員
1976 Born in Tokyo as the grandson of the first generation Shuseki.
1999 He studied Edo Kiriko by becoming apprenticed to Shuseki The Second (the second generation) (Suda Tomio -Koto Ward Intangible Cultural Property).
2008 He inherited as Shuseki The Third (Shuseki the third generation) and became independent and the founder of Horiguchi Kiriko.
2012 Certified as a Japanese Traditional Craftsman (Edo Kiriko).
He held a number of exhibitions in Japan such as "Kiriko San-yo", "16 Young Edo Kiriko Exhibition”, and revealing artworks in New York and Paris, led him into becoming the highly regarded ‘up-coming’ Edo Kiriko artist. Both in name and reality, he is now one of the young artisan that draws the most attention in the industry. He also had collaborated with companies in distinct fields such as CASIO, LEXUS, etc.,adding more to his story.
Orbis Group CSR Award Winner, Presidential Award Winner, The Best Edo Kiriko New Work Exhibition Two Times Consecutive Winner, and more award winnings. /Director at Edo Kiriko Cooperative Association/ Member of Japan Glass Artistry Society